Skellefteå Droneport

Unique development environment for drones

It started with an idea on a post-it note two years ago, and by the end of this year, the idea will become a reality. Skellefteå Droneport is one of the first droneports in Europe being built in an urban environment. The Droneport will be a physical space for development, research, education, and  commercialization of drone-related solutions.

Unique development environment for drones

Today, the site doesn't look like much more than a pile of gravel with cables sticking out of the ground, but the groundwork is almost complete. Recently, the permits for construction were finalized, and most of the infrastructure is expected to be in place during October and November.

“Skellefteå is one of the first cities in Europe to build a drone port close to the city, and building this close to the urban area naturally involves a number of challenges and exciting lessons. The construction process itself becomes a learning experience, which we will now share with other locations that wish to build droneports in the future,” says Annelie Viksten, Business Developer at the ELIS Program run by Skellefteå Science City. Skellefteå Droneport is being built as part of the development program and the testbed for electrified aviation that is being run in Skellefteå.

Tests in an urban environment

Everything took off in 2022 after a successful project with drone tests at Skellefteå Airport. Several stakeholders were looking for a permanent place to test and develop drones. During a workshop at Skellefteå Science City, plans for an urban droneport in Hammarängen emerged. After feasibility studies and planning, a decision was made in 2023 to begin the building process.

The Droneport will serve as a physical site for testing, development, research, education, demonstration, and commercialization of drone-related solutions in close collaboration with urban and community development in Skellefteå municipality, as well as with external partners. It also offers the possibility to explore the potential of “drone-as-a-service,” where various businesses can utilize drone services based at the Droneport.

Cold and snowy climate

Together with both private and public stakeholders, opportunities are now being explored to connect drone-related activities to Skellefteå. Drone use in emergency services already shows significant benefits today. The ability to test, develop, and implement solutions in a cold and snowy climate is important for creating robust solutions. The drone development environment, which is being created in collaboration with Skellefteå municipality and Skellefteå Science City, will be unique in many ways.

“We already have a Vinnova-funded drone logistics project that will operate at the Droneport as soon as it is completed. Skellefteå is also involved in a national project where we will explore how drones can contribute to the smart city, partly by using more advanced mobile networks. Additionally, we are currently looking at offering drone training at the Droneport as early as this winter, which will be a perfect place to combine theory and practice,” says Annelie Viksten.

Creating a safe airspace

During the summer, Skellefteå Droneport also received support from the European innovation hub AeroEDIH. This support includes financial contributions for stakeholders who want to conduct testing and development activities in Skellefteå, as well as assistance in creating a safe and suitable airspace around the drone airport.

Skellefteå municipality is planning the site together with Skanska, and then Skellefteå Airport will take responsibility for construction and operations. The droneport will be an important hub for projects under the ELIS program, which is led by Skellefteå Science City.

ELIS Program is a development program for electric aviation with the ambition to become a leading hub in research, development and commercialization of electrified aviation in Sweden and beyond. The program is facilitated by Skellefteå Science City, Skellefteå municipality's innovation company, and financed by Skellefteå Kraft, Skellefteå Airport and Skellefteå municipality.

Skellefteå strengthens its leading position in electrified aviation

21 May 2024

If everything goes according to plan, Skellefteå can make history in terms of electrified aviation. Here is the world's most sustainable pilot academy, a test bed for battery- and hydrogen-powered flights and soon one of Europe's largest droneports. The team at the ELIS program with Henrik Littorin, Magnus Wiklund and Annelie Viksten tell us more about the continued plans for electric flights in Skellefteå.

Challenges with permits for drone flights

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All test facilities for autonomous aviation across Europe have their own specific focus, but all struggle with the same obstacles. This became evident when representatives from Skellefteå Droneport participated in the networking event organized recently in Amsterdam by the European UAS Test Centre Alliance.

"Think globally but act locally”

23 April 2024

After a few days at the Amsterdam Drone Week, the conclusion was that the work on the Skellefteå Droneport is a crucial piece in the development of drones and drone-related services.

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