Meeting new requirements for efficient charging

25 March 2024

To meet the increased demands for electricity for charging at airports, the partners in the collaboration project YourFlight will investigate how electricity supply can be best provided.

BBC Travel visit Green Flight Academy

28 February 2024

The Green Flight Academy is a product of the ELIS program's efforts to advance electrified aviation. BBC Travel decided to pay a visit to the world’s first pilot program designed from a sustainability perspective. The program has a reach of approximately 70 million viewers each week.

Project for drone shipping at Skellefteå Droneport

13 February 2024

An innovative project has started at Skellefteå Droneport with the goal of carrying out pre- commercial tests for drone shipping. The project includes a system demonstrator that integrates community dialogue, technology and business.

OATS project completed

12 February 2024

At the beginning of 2023, the feasibility study started to establish an Open Area Test Site (OATS) at Skellefteå Airport. The purpose of the project has been to investigate the possibility of establishing a test environment at an airport where technical tests on electromagnetic compatibility for electric aircraft, eVTOLs, drones, electrified powertrains and charging infrastructure can be carried out.

The future drone airport in Skellefteå

28 September 2023

Several actors within society gathered to discuss how the upcoming drone airport in Skellefteå can create value for companies, municipalities and residents.

Investment in Hydrogen-Powered Flight in Skellefteå

30 March 2023

Together with Skellefteå Kraft, ZeroAvia, and the airline BRA, Skellefteå Airport is making a joint effort towards hydrogen-powered flight in Sweden. This investment is part of the ELIS development program, which aims to accelerate the electrification of aviation.

Welcome to the seminar for eVTOL and drone ports

13 January 2023

ELIS invites to a seminar where we present the outcome of two innovative projects aimed to accelerate the introduction of electric vertical take off and landing aircraft (eVTOLs) and drones in the transport system.

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